III. Ergoterapide Kanıta Dayalı Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu
Mezun Oluyorum 2024
Depremzedelere Ergoterapi Desteği
Ankara'ya gelmiş olan tüm depremzedelere, bölümümüze başvurmaları halinde ücretsiz ergoterapi hizmeti verilecektir. Ayrıntılı bilgi...
International Internship Exchange Occupational Therapy hk.

Dear international colleagues,


Our international partnership of Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands is providing a short international exchange for occupational therapy students that are currently in their internship.


We would like to extend the invitation to students of other occupational therapy programs as well. There are two online Teams meetings, hosted by Sikanneya, Banuja and Chris, scheduled on Friday 5th of April and 19th of April from 15.00 – 17.00 CET.


The content will be focusing on:

  • Role of OT in different countries
  • Personal experiences with being an OT intern
  • Reflect on practice experiences


If you know students that might be interested in this online international exchange, we are happy to invite them. Would it be possible to distribute our invitation and registration link? Students can read more information and register through this link: https://forms.office.com/e/RfyUyWT617


There is also a QR code:

We are planning to organize this exchange again in the Fall semester and we will inform you when registration opens.